What The World Needs Now….

Listening to an old song with the line,”what the world needs now, is love, true love,” began to bring back memories of my childhood days.   I was raised on a small farm in rural Alabama.  I am the youngest of 5 children.  We didn’t have alot of material wealth.  No indoor plumbing.  No electricity until I was in the 3rd grade.  Then, it was just a simple drop cord hanging from the ceiling with a 25watt light bulb…but, we had love.  If you’ve ever watched “The Walton’s” on tv then you have an idea of how I was raised.

Mom and Dad were very affectionate with their love, with the hugs and kisses, tucking us in bed at night, letting us sit in their laps…taking time to talk to us…..things alot of kids now days never experience.

People need to feel loved.  They need to know someone really cares.  You want the crime rate to go down.  Show some real love.  Stop some of the runaway teen problems….love them with a true love.

I often say this. “You don’t fall in love, you fall in mud puddles.”  Love is a choice.  I chose to love you.  I don’t love you because you are rich or poor, black or white, good or bad.  I just chose to love you. I don’t love you expecting anything in return.  Of course, its nice to see and feel the love returned, but, regardless of the love you may or may not have for me, I can still chose to love you. Thats my choice.

My question to you….How long has it been since to took the time to really look someone in the eye, hold their hand, and say, “I love you”, and really mean it?  What about your spouse?  Do they know you really love them and have their best interest at heart?  Are you kids comfortable talking with you about their problems?

Now, how long has it been since someone told you they loved you?  And, you both ‘were there’, sharing a real moment of love and compassion for each other.

Think!  Chose to love that one close to you simply because you have the power and ability to do so.  Don’t worry if they don’t return that love.  When they see that you ‘really’ love them with no strings attached, they will begin to return that love.  And, if they don’t they are the ones that have lost.  Just think how good you will feel because you loved someone, just because you wanted to…that’s your choice.

And, that’s the truth…..

How Do You Feel….

I am a people watcher.  When I go shopping, out to eat, or anywhere there are people, I observe how they look, what they are doing, how they walk…

The next time you are in the grocery store notice what people have in their shopping cart, and then look at the person.  Usually, someone that is over weight, has dry skin and hair, slouches, or just generally looks out of sorts, will have colas, chips, sweets, or processed foods in their cart.  Very few veggies or fresh fruits.  You are what you eat!

Now, find someone that has fruits, veggies, fresh produce in their cart and notice how they look, walk, and talk.  Most of the time you will see a sparkle in their eye or a smile on their face.  They will have clear skin and hair. You are what you eat!

I told a friend of mine that and his reply was, if thats true then I would be shaped like a cola bottle…and he was getting there.

Listen folks.  We feed our bodies very little real food.  Most of what you buy is refined, processed, cooked and beaten to death, poisoned with chemicals, and then to add insult to injury, we bring it home and cook it some more or nuke what little life it may have out of it in the microwave….and we wonder why we are sick.

Did you ever wonder why you eat a meal and then an hour later you feel hungry again?  Why are people obese?  (for you up and outers thats ‘flat fat’)  You are starving for proper nutrition.  Your lil body needs a certain about of nutrients, vitamins, and minerals to survive.  If you are on the typical american diet you are not getting what you need to keep well.  You will eventually wind up with diabetes, cancer, high blood pressure, or God only knows what else. 

Think! You are responsible for your body, your health, your finances, your mentality.  Take charge of your life instead of letting someone else control you.  Learn how to think for yourself instead of letting others push you into their mold.


Do Fish Swim….

Years ago (gosh! I am getting old) I enrolled in a class at a place called Center For Productive Learning.  They had some very unusual but effective methods of teaching.  The object of the classes was to teach us how to stay in charge of our emotions, our thoughts, and really listen to what the other person was saying while carrying on a conversation.

In one of the classes the instructor would have us partner up with someone else sitting facing each other.  We would ask our partner the question, ‘Do Fish Swim’ or ‘Do Birds Fly?’  If their answer was anything other than  yes, no, or I don’t know, we were only allowed to say, “I repeat the question.”  “Do fish swim?”  And, we had to keep doing it until they gave us a difinite answer.   We were not allowed to use hand gestures or raise our voice.

After much laughter and flunking the test, we finally learned to really ‘listen’ to what people where saying and be ‘present’ with them.

Now, here are the questions for you today.  “Do fish swim?……Do you really listen to what others are saying, or are you trying to think ahead to what you are going to say next?   Does your spouse ever say, “But, that’s not what I said.” or, “Why don’t you say what you mean?”  Could it be a lack of communication?  Are you hearing but not listening….? 

The Mental Cleanse would probably help clear the channels to better relationships.   You would really know what was going on around you.  You would be in charge of your life. You would experience ‘real moments.’

Mentoring For Free has a free class called ‘The Mental Cleanse’ every Wednesday at 3pm. est. and 9pm. est.  If you would like to listen in on a free call and then decide if you would like to join us the number is: 1.218.936.3890. pin 300300 followed by the # sign.  http://30daycleanse.com/



Sunday Morning…

All across the country today people will gather in small rural country churches and large stone cathedrals with stained glass windows.  They will put on their Sunday best, be it a three piece suit or jeans, a simple dress or furs and lift their voices to worship their Creator.

As you go about your day be kind, smile, give someone hurting a kind word…do a good deed.  And if you are sitting on a wood bench or padded pew, you can raise your voice in praise to your Creator with a clear conscience and a thankful heart.

And….thats the truth!

And The Beat Goes On…

I recently saw an ad for a diet product spouting the virtues of the product, and one of the lines said something like this….  “And this is the truth because, if it wasn’t we couldn’t say it on tv.”   Another diet program….”Clinically proven to loose weight.”  But, when you read the fine print it said the average weight lose was 3.6 pounds over an eight week period.

Yeah!  Right!  For gosh sakes people…THINK!   Almost anyone could lose a 1/2 lb. a week by just taking a quick walk around the block and cutting out a cola or two a day. 

Question.   Is a person hooked on ‘meth’ or ‘pot’…any of the street drugs any worse than a person hooked on Prozac, Valium, or even aspirin?  Any drug from the back alley or the corner drug store has its side effects and most of the time does more damage than it does good.  Learn to be a critical thinker.  Don’t just take big Pharma’s word for it.  Don’t listen to Constantly Negative News and all the garbage the idiot box puts out…THINK!

I have a 12 yr. old daughter Victoria.  I find books or articles for Victoria to read on motivation, growth, expanding her mind, learning new things.  The deal was, I would pick the book, add $10 to her savings account when she finished it, and I would take her out to dinner while we discussed the book.

I want her to be a critical thinker….to own her life….to be what she wants to be, not what mom, dad, grandparents or anyone else tries to push on her…..and she is learning well!  I’m proud of her.

Would you like to know more about the ‘Mental Cleanse’  so you can be in charge of your own life? http://30daycleanse.com/ 

Like Sheep To The Slaughter….

We talked yesterday about ‘owning your own life’, and you will find that it is a pet peeve of mine.  It amazes me how many people will just accept what they are told and follow blindly down the road to destruction.

Think!  I don’t mean a “duh…what about that” type of thought.  Think!  Ask questions.  Find the reason…or, are you to lazy?  Does it take too much effort?  Maybe you are like the guy that says, “I don’t know and I don’t care…just give me my rocking chair.” (or remote and recliner)…Thats not quite good enough for me.

Lets use going to the doctor for an example.   You will go to Dr. Bottlestopper and Nurse Feelgood, fill out all that paperwork, wait your turn…wait your turn…wait your turn….Sorry, I said that already.  Then, like a little lamb follow the nurse back to a waiting room….waiting room…waiting….opps!…get disrobed, put on a paper gown that leaves alot to be desired for coverage of the necessary parts, and wait your turn.

After proding and poking, tapping and listening, the good doctor scribbles some info. on your chart and writes a prescription or two….maybe orders lab test, x-rays, ct scan, etc.  Listen folk!  Just because he has a white robe on doesn’t make him God.  Don’t misunderstand me.  I know there are some good, well qualified physicians, but they are human just like you.  And, it is your body!  You own it. THINK!  Ask questions.  Why this…is it necessary…are there alternatives….what are the side effects of the drugs. (Thats a whole different chapter).   

And like sheep they are all let to the slaughter dumb…yet they opened not their mouth.

Maybe you need that ‘Mental Cleanse’   Listen in to the “Mental Cleanse” call every Wednesday at 3pm and 8pm. est.   1.218.936.3890  then 300300 followed by the # sign.  If you want to join the program go to http://30daycleanse.com/




Hello world!

So, what do you do?  The world is screaming at you.  The boss is breathing down your neck.  Maybe the school called and your child is sick……!   Whatever the challenge (I don’t like to call them problems) you need one major thing in your life.  You need to own your life! 

Don’t let people rent space in your mind with useless junk.  Don’t let others ‘push your buttons’  You are not a victim of circumstances.  You are where you are because of the choices you made.  For things to change, you have to change.

If you want to improve your health, your finances, your emotions…any area of your life…just wishing or daydreaming will not make it happen.  You must have a burning desire and a definite plan to get where you want to go in your life.

Maybe you need a “Mental Cleanse” to get all the chatter out of your life. http://30daycleanse.com/