Tag Archives: critical thinker

Drugs Even Your Doctor Won’t Take….

If you read my article, ‘Like Sheep To The Slaughter’, ( May 2, 2008 ) you know how I feel about people that don’t think for themselves. 

In a recent article in Men’s Health magazine, ‘8 Drugs Your Doctor Won’t Take , I was amazed at the number of people I know personally that are on some of the listed drugs.  You need to read the article, print it out, give a copy to your friends and loved ones.

For the sake of your health and the ones you care about, read the article, spread the word!  Don’t just stand around in a stupor and think the problem will go away.  If we don’t take action it will never stop.

Read this list, and I’ll bet you or someone you care about are on at least one of these drugs.

1. Advair (“blackbox warning by the FDA”)  2. Advandia ( possible heart attack. Increases heart problems by 100+ %)  3. Celebrex ( more than doubles risk of heart trouble )  4. Ketek (causes heart rythem problems and liver disease )  5. Prilosec and  6. Nexium ( read it and weep. )  7. Visine, and  8.  Pseudoephedrine ( over the years has been linked to heart problems and strokes. )

The BIG problem I have with this information is, why in the world would your doctor prescribe this for you if he/she wouldn’t use it? 

Other than the side effects of these and other drugs, there is also the high cost, and the nutrient depletion.  There are often other and better alternatives with no side effects and a lot easier on you bank account.

Learn to be a Critical Thinker!  It could save your life….and thats the truth!

Being a Critical Thinker…

Recently I took my 18mo. old granddaughter with me shopping.  We were in a large dept. store and while riding the escalator I noticed Aleina watching the steps disappear under the floor.  After we got off she turned around and bent over by the steps, watching with a child like curiosity.  Then, after riding the escalator a few more times, and watching the other people get on and off, she was satisfied as to how they worked.

I would like to say, I hope you never lose your curosity, that you always ask the what, where, when, how, and why questions.  But, you are probably like the majority of others that blindly follow along with the masses….’The blind leading the blind’, until you both fall in the ditch.  Could that be the reason you are in the shape you are in, physically, financially, mentally…..

Just because you saw it on the evening news, do you believe it?  Mass media tries to control and shape your beliefs and destiny.  The educational system tries to press your child into their mold.  Organized religion wants you to believe the way they believe.  But, if you learn to ask the right questions, get good solid answers, and put forth the energy to apply what you have learned,  you can be your own person.  Learn to be a Critical Thinker….and thats the truth.