Tag Archives: world war

Let Freedom Ring….

My dad was a veteran of WWI.  He served with the allied forces in Italy, Germany, and France.  I had a brother-in-law in WWII.  Another brother-in-law in the Korean War.  My son-in-law just came home from Iraq last week.

Today at our morning church service we were singing ‘My Country Tis Of Thee, Sweet Land Of Liberty….’

As the congeration was singing I began to think of all the things I was thankful for….family, friends, freedom.  I know America has its problems, and it grieves me to see the political mess we are in, but I still believe it is the greatest nation on earth. 

I’d rather live in the good ol USA than any other country.  I’m proud to be an American.  I gladly stand and salute the flag…..and I’m not ashamed of the tears when old glory passes by and we honor those that gave their service and their lives to keep us free.

So, this Memorial Day why don’t you take just a moment to bow you head and say a ‘thank you’ for the freedom you enjoy before it is taken away.

And…if you don’t like America why don’t you just move on to a place you do like…..and thats the truth!