Tag Archives: health

How Do You Feel….

I am a people watcher.  When I go shopping, out to eat, or anywhere there are people, I observe how they look, what they are doing, how they walk…

The next time you are in the grocery store notice what people have in their shopping cart, and then look at the person.  Usually, someone that is over weight, has dry skin and hair, slouches, or just generally looks out of sorts, will have colas, chips, sweets, or processed foods in their cart.  Very few veggies or fresh fruits.  You are what you eat!

Now, find someone that has fruits, veggies, fresh produce in their cart and notice how they look, walk, and talk.  Most of the time you will see a sparkle in their eye or a smile on their face.  They will have clear skin and hair. You are what you eat!

I told a friend of mine that and his reply was, if thats true then I would be shaped like a cola bottle…and he was getting there.

Listen folks.  We feed our bodies very little real food.  Most of what you buy is refined, processed, cooked and beaten to death, poisoned with chemicals, and then to add insult to injury, we bring it home and cook it some more or nuke what little life it may have out of it in the microwave….and we wonder why we are sick.

Did you ever wonder why you eat a meal and then an hour later you feel hungry again?  Why are people obese?  (for you up and outers thats ‘flat fat’)  You are starving for proper nutrition.  Your lil body needs a certain about of nutrients, vitamins, and minerals to survive.  If you are on the typical american diet you are not getting what you need to keep well.  You will eventually wind up with diabetes, cancer, high blood pressure, or God only knows what else. 

Think! You are responsible for your body, your health, your finances, your mentality.  Take charge of your life instead of letting someone else control you.  Learn how to think for yourself instead of letting others push you into their mold.